脚本编程:Powershell:创建一个简单的HTTP REST Api服务

tlin82大约 2 分钟Scripting Language脚本编程PowershellPowershellWeb编程api


Powershell作为一个脚本语言,也是可以像服务端编程语言,例如Java/C#一样启动一个Web服务器,提供简单的REST Api服务。

这样,结合丰富Powershell Cmdlets就可以对外提供丰富的数据。


  • 示例代码1: HTTP REST Api,返回json数据。



# Source code https://hkeylocalmachine.com/?p=518
# Create a listener on port 8000
$listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener
'Listening ...'

# Run until you send a GET request to /end
while ($true) {
    $context = $listener.GetContext() 

    # Capture the details about the request
    $request = $context.Request

    # Setup a place to deliver a response
    $response = $context.Response
    # Break from loop if GET request sent to /end
    if ($request.Url -match '/end$') { 
    } else {

        # Split request URL to get command and options
        $requestvars = ([String]$request.Url).split("/");        

        # If a request is sent to http:// :8000/wmi
        if ($requestvars[3] -eq "wmi") {
            # Get the class name and server name from the URL and run get-WMIObject
            $result = get-WMIObject $requestvars[4] -computer $requestvars[5];

            # Convert the returned data to JSON and set the HTTP content type to JSON
            $message = $result | ConvertTo-Json; 
            $response.ContentType = 'application/json';

       } else {

            # If no matching subdirectory/route is found generate a 404 message
            $message = "This is not the page you're looking for.";
            $response.ContentType = 'text/html' ;

       # Convert the data to UTF8 bytes
       [byte[]]$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($message)
       # Set length of response
       $response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.length
       # Write response out and close
       $output = $response.OutputStream
       $output.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.length)
#Terminate the listener

  • 示例2:提供文件下载。 https://localhost:8010/downloads/filename
# 创建一个http监听器listner,和其他语言大同小异
$listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener

# 启动一个监听器
'Listening ...'

# 该HTTP服务一直运行,除非向它发送一个"http://xxx/end"请求。Run until you send a GET request to /end
while ($true) {
    $context = $listener.GetContext() 

    # Capture the details about the request 获取一个会话的HTTP Request对象
    $request = $context.Request

    # Setup a place to deliver a response 获取一个会话的HTTP Response对象
    $response = $context.Response
    # Break from loop if GET request sent to /end
    if ($request.Url -match '/end$') { 
    } else {

        # Split request URL to get command and options
        $requestvars = ([String]$request.Url).split("/");        

        # If a request is sent to http:// :8010/downloads 
        if ($requestvars[3] -eq "downloads") {
            $inputBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\AdminPack\a\DB_Backup_Download.ps1")
            # 指定文件下载的内容类型
            $response.ContentType = 'application/octet-stream';

       } else {

            # If no matching subdirectory/route is found generate a 404 message
            $message = "This is not the page you're looking for.";

            $inputBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($message)
            $response.ContentType = 'text/html' ;

       # Set length of response
       $response.ContentLength64 = $inputBytes.length

       # 获取HTTP Response输出流
       $output = $response.OutputStream

       $output.Write($inputBytes, 0, $inputBytes.length)


https://hkeylocalmachine.com/?p=518open in new window

) { break } else { # Split request URL to get command and options $requestvars = ([String]$request.Url).split("/"); # If a request is sent to http:// :8000/wmi if ($requestvars[3] -eq "wmi") { # Get the class name and server name from the URL and run get-WMIObject $result = get-WMIObject $requestvars[4] -computer $requestvars[5]; # Convert the returned data to JSON and set the HTTP content type to JSON $message = $result | ConvertTo-Json; $response.ContentType = 'application/json'; } else { # If no matching subdirectory/route is found generate a 404 message $message = "This is not the page you're looking for."; $response.ContentType = 'text/html' ; } # Convert the data to UTF8 bytes [byte[]]$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($message) # Set length of response $response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.length # Write response out and close $output = $response.OutputStream $output.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.length) $output.Close() } } #Terminate the listener $listener.Stop() $listener.Dispose()">脚本编程:Powershell:创建一个简单的HTTP REST Api服务 | Tim's Blog
) { break } else { # Split request URL to get command and options $requestvars = ([String]$request.Url).split("/"); # If a request is sent to http:// :8000/wmi if ($requestvars[3] -eq "wmi") { # Get the class name and server name from the URL and run get-WMIObject $result = get-WMIObject $requestvars[4] -computer $requestvars[5]; # Convert the returned data to JSON and set the HTTP content type to JSON $message = $result | ConvertTo-Json; $response.ContentType = 'application/json'; } else { # If no matching subdirectory/route is found generate a 404 message $message = "This is not the page you're looking for."; $response.ContentType = 'text/html' ; } # Convert the data to UTF8 bytes [byte[]]$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($message) # Set length of response $response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.length # Write response out and close $output = $response.OutputStream $output.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.length) $output.Close() } } #Terminate the listener $listener.Stop() $listener.Dispose()">